Intelligent TypeScript Code Blocks with MDX and Shiki Twoslash

How to use `mdx` and `shiki-twoslash` to add VSCode-like syntax highlighting and TypeScript experience to code blocks

Table of Contents

What is shiki-twoslash?

shiki-twoslash is a library that combines the functionality of two libraries:

shiki-twoslash allows us to produce TypeScript code blocks that are as beautiful as they are powerful:

const isString = (x: unknown): x is string => typeof x === 'string'
const isNumber = (x: unknown): x is number => typeof x === 'number'
const isBoolean = (x: unknown): x is boolean => typeof x === 'boolean'
declare const thing: unknown
if (isString(thing)) {
const thing: string
} else if (isNumber(thing)) {
const thing: number
} else if (isBoolean(thing)) {
const thing: boolean

(Be sure to hover over the code block above to see the TypeScript compiler-powered goodness)

This functionality enables us to bring otherwise boring and static code blocks to life!

Let's take a look at how to add it to your MDX-powered blog and how to use it!


shiki-twoslash hides a significant amount of complexity behind a few types of markup. In this section, we'll look at how to use some of them.

By the way, in order to use these twoslash features, you need to create a code block inside a ts twoslash fence:

```ts twoslash
// TypeScript compiler-driven code goes here!


Queries allow us to query the TypeScript compiler for information.


The ^? query tells the TypeScript compiler to display tooltip information about the identifier above that ^ is pointing at.

```ts twoslash
const person = 'piablo'
// ^?
const person = 'piablo'
const person: "piablo"
```ts twoslash
const addOne = (n: number) => n + 1
// ^?
const addOne = (n: number) => n + 1
const addOne: (n: number) => number


The ^? query tells the TypeScript compiler to display an autocomplete dropdown at the point that ^ points to.

It requires the use of a // @noErrors comment at the top of the block.

```ts twoslash
// @noErrors
const string = 'hello world'
// ^|
const string = 'hello world'

Displaying a code block title

Code blocks can display a title using the title code fence meta attribute:

```ts twoslash title="title.ts"
const hello = 'world'
const hello = 'world'

The title can be styled using the .code-title class.

Highlighting code

shiki-twoslash can highlight specific lines of code by attaching line numbers to the code fence:

```ts twoslash {1, 3}
const highlightedLine = {
notHighlighted: true,
highlighted: true,
const highlightedLine = {
notHighlighted: true,
highlighted: true,

Displaying errors

shiki-twoslash can render inline errors produced by the TypeScript compiler.

By default, Shiki will throws an error and displays a debug component for TypeScript compiler errors. This helps protect us from writing incorrect code samples.

For example, if we try to render the following code block:

```ts twoslash
const addOne = (n: number) => n + 1

The code sample would throw a type error (because we can't use hello! as a number):

Errors were thrown in the sample, but not included in an errors tag
These errors were not marked as being expected: 2345.
Expected: // @errors: 2345

shiki-twoslash helpfully explains exactly how to resolve the issue: // @error: 2345

Let's add that to our code sample:

```ts twoslash
// @errors: 2345
const addOne = (n: number) => n + 1

And now it renders the error inline:

const addOne = (n: number) => n + 1
Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.2345Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.

Hiding irrelevant code

shiki-twoslash offers the ---cut--- markup which allows us to hide all of the code before that line in the produced code sample.

This allows us to write correct code (code that can be compiled) while only showing part of the code, or to avoid repeating the same code across multiple code samples.

Here's an example:

```ts twoslash
interface User {
name: string
// ---cut---
const bluePanda: User = {
name: 'BluePanda',
const bluePanda: User = {
name: 'BluePanda',

This is helpful if you're iteratively telling a story about some code by introducing parts across multiple code blocks:

// first we define our type...
interface User {
name: string
interface User {
name: string
// then we assign it to a variable...
const user: User = {name: 'BluePanda'}
interface User {
name: string
const user: User = {name: 'BluePanda'}
// now we have a user with a `name`!

Did we really need to include the definition for User in every code block?

To make the compiler happy? Yes.

For our readers? Nah.

If we used ---cut--- instead:

```ts twoslash
interface User {
name: string
const user: User = {name: 'BluePanda'}
// ---cut---
// now we have a user with a `name`!

The compiler is happy and we only see the relevant code:

// now we have a user with a `name`!

If you think ---cut--- is useful, wait till you see the next section!

Reusing code blocks

shiki-twoslash gives us the ability to create virtual code blocks that can be fully or partially re-used within other code blocks.

To reuse a block, use twoslash include <name> (notice that lack of ts) in the block's code fence:

```twoslash include box
interface Box<T> {
thing: T

Then reference the block by name using @include in a ts twoslash block:

```ts twoslash
// @include: box

If used correctly, we see the Box definition:

interface Box<T> {
thing: T

shiki-twoslash treats the included code like it's part of the code block it's imported into!

This means we can use the included code and ---cut--- to make the compiler happy without showing the included code.

```ts twoslash
// @include: box
// ---cut---
const box: Box<string> = {thing: 'hello!'}
const box: Box<string> = {thing: 'hello!'}

We can also include only part of a code sample by using // - <location-name>

```twoslash include main
type Scream<T extends string> = Uppercase<T>
// - scream
type Whisper<T extends string> = Lowercase<T>
// - both
```ts twoslash
// @include: main-scream
```ts twoslash
// @include: main-both
type Scream<T extends string> = Uppercase<T>
type Scream<T extends string> = Uppercase<T>
type Whisper<T extends string> = Lowercase<T>